
Drum Masters 2 Signature Kits Infinite Player library for Kontakt

Enter the next stage of cutting edge drum instruments from Sonic Reality!

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Product Information


*You MUST own Infinite Player in order to use this library.  Infinite Player is not available for purchase at this time.

Sonic Reality's Signature Kit series takes fast-loading stereo kits to the next level by providing multi-channel output mixing of each stereo kit piece, a convolution impulse library of famous studio rooms and more.  Focusing on "kits only," this collection is ideal for any e-drummers, keyboardists, producers or drum programers who like to work with MIDI-played kits as opposed to audio loops.  Volume 2 is included with Volume 1 for over 50 kits and over 17 gigabytes of drums.


Operating System
Sample Format
sounds may be used in all samplers supporting the following formats

Audio Demos

Demo Player
JB Session Song
Dimitar Nalbantov
Mapx Blstk Song Demo 2
Dimitar Nalbantov
JB Ses Gtr Solo
Dimitar Nalbantov
JB Ses Demo Song
Dimitar Nalbantov
Mapx Metal Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
dome of heaven
Dimitar Nalbantov
Tam brush Song Demo 2
Dimitar Nalbantov
Tam Brush Song Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
DM2 Heavy Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
Mapx Blstk Song Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
Premr Song Demo 2
Dimitar Nalbantov
The day before yesterday
Dimitar Nalbantov
Premr Song Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
Grtsch Song Demo
Dimitar Nalbantov
NDV Gretsch 6
NDV Grestch 6
Prog Drums Demo 1
Sonic Reality
NDV Mapx STm
Sonic Reality
Jerry M Brsh STm
Sonic Reality
Premr Timbale STm
Sonic Reality
Bruford STm
Sonic Reality
Brit Rock Kit Demo2
Sonic Reality
Jerry M STm
Sonic Reality
Premr Roto STm
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 2
Sonic Reality
NDV Gretsch 1
NDV Grestch 1
NDV Gretsch 4
NDV Grestch 4
JB Yam STm
Sonic Reality
Ed Greene STm2
Sonic Reality
JB Sonr Kit Demo4
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
NDV Gretsch 2
NDV Grestch 2
Classic Rock
Sonic Reality
Big Band Jazz STm
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Hands STm
Sonic Reality
Clssic Rock Kit demo
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 3
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Ed Greene STm
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 4
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Danny G STm
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 5
Sonic Reality
British Rock STm
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 6
Sonic Reality
RingBeat STm
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Brit Rock Kit Demo
Sonic Reality
NDV Gretsch 3
NDV Grestch 3
Prog Drums Demo 7
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Retro Soul STm
Sonic Reality
Demo Song
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
RingBeats Demo 3
Sonic Reality
Prog Drums Demo 8
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 2
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
RingBeats Demo 2
Sonic Reality
RingBeats Demo 1
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 3
Sonic Reality
NDV Gretsch 5
NDV Grestch 5
Classic Rock 1 Demo
Sonic Reality
JB Tam Brush Demo
JB Tam Brush Demo
RingBeat demo
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock Demo 4
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock 3 Demo
Sonic Reality
NDV Mpx Blast
NDV Mpx Blast
Brit Rock 3 Demo
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 1
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock 2 demo
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 3
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 2
Sonic Reality
Bonzo Grv Demo 4
Sonic Reality
Brit Rock Kit Demo
Sonic Reality
Blues Kit Demo 2
Sonic Reality
Blues Kit Demo 3
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock 2 demo
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock 3 Demo
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock Demo 4
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock Demo
Sonic Reality
Classic Rock Demo 5
Sonic Reality
Gottlieb Stereo Kit 2
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Sonic Reality
Ed Greene Stereo Kit 2
Sonic Reality
Sonr Kit Demo 1
Sonic Reality
Sonr Kit Demo 2
Sonic Reality
Marotta Stereo Brush Kit
Marotta Brush
Marotta Stereo Kit
Sonic Reality
Blackwell Yam Stick Kit 1
Blackwell Yam Snoff
Blackwell Yam Stick Kit 2
Blackwell Yam Snon 2
Blackwell Yam Stick Kit 3
Blackwell Yam Snon 3
Sonic Reality
Blackwell Tam Brush Kit
JB Tam Brush Demo
NDV Stereo Grtsch 1
NDV Grestch 1
NDV Stereo Grtsch 2
NDV Grestch 2
NDV Stereo Grtsch 3
NDV Grestch 3
NDV Stereo Grtsch 4
NDV Grestch 4
NDV Stereo Grtsch 5
NDV Grestch 5
NDV Stereo Grtsch 6
NDV Grestch 6
NDV Mapx Blastix Kit
NDV Mpx Blast
NDV Mapx Kit
Sonic Reality
Motown Soul Kit Demo
Sonic Reality
RingBeat Demo
Sonic Reality
Gadd Grv1 Demo 1
Sonic Reality
Gadd Grv1 Demo 2
Sonic Reality
Gadd Grv1 Demo 3
Sonic Reality

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